Week 2: Tectonic Plates and Spain

Tectonic plates can become an explanation on how landforms are created due to movement of the earth. this included of events like earthquakes, mountain ranges, volcanoes and more. 

Spain borders between two plates: Eurasian plate and African Plate. Spain is considered to be apart of the Iberian Peninsula which is also located by a volcanic mountain that divides the ocean into south and north. The Eurasian and African plate get close to each other every year by at least 4 millimeters.

Spain is at a high risk of earthquakes being considered apart of the "hot zone" which stretches along the Pyrenees Mountains due to the 14 million inhabitants. Spains' plate boundary is considered the Convergent Boundary: Collision considering why they experience many earthquakes with their most major earthquake being a 7.9 in 1954 causing damage of over 100 kilometers. 

The Pyrenees Mountains were formed during the crestaceuos present day by the Iberian and European plate. This plate has been moving due to the Central Atlantic rift. 





  1. I absolutely love the picture on your blog. It really captured my attention as soon as it came up. Great choice!

  2. Nice tectonic setting! It seems your country has plate tectonic boundaries close by (particularly in the south), so you should expect lots of geological activity there!

  3. This was a good tectonic setting reflection. Looking forward to what you'll discover in the upcoming weeks!

  4. Very nice tectonic introduction!- Looking forward to what you'll discover next week.


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