Week 13: Costal Hazards in Spain

 Coastal erosion is quite frequent in Spain. Along the coastline 50 percent consists of both hard and soft cliffs. This is more likely in the Canary and Balearic Islands and along the Atlantic area. 35 percent are beaches and 17 percent are low lying areas, more particular in the Mediterranean area. Along the Mediterranean area 8 percent is human made.

A problem that occurs is the "coastal squeeze," that takes place when a coastline is prevented from its landward migration by seawalls or other man made structures. The erosive process is due to the sediment imbalances and increasing storminess that can cause the disappearance of the beach or salt marsh

Sandy beaches are one of the most threatened coastal habitats of the basque coast, they are expected to suffer shoreline retreats of 25% and 40% of an average beach within the 21st century. 49 cm sea level rise on the Gipuzkoa revealed that 6.5% of the surface area of wetlands and salt marshes may be affected. the Average accretion rate of the basque marshes can be high enough to adjust to the projected rate of sea level rise.

Wetlands in the basque estuaries are squeezed between the fixed landward boundary, sea level rise, croplands and pastures that lie within the original upper intertidal zone. Within the area the croplands. are protected by walls and drained to be used for agriculture purposes, since they lie below the present maximum high tide level. Human activities are vulnerable to sea level rise which is expected to be by 2100. More likely if high tides and floods occur consistently but if agriculture activity declines, they may get abandoned.

Sandy beaches located within the Balearic Islands, western Mediterranean sea, the impacts of sea level ruse and changes in wave climate on the future coastline have been assessed. sea level and wave projections were based on an intermediate and high end scenario of climate change. The projected sea level rise in 2100 is 48cm. Changes in wave regimes by 2100 reach 0.2 m under calm conditions and up to 0.3 during an extreme event. As of now, beaches are 35-40 meters and 30-50 meters wide. With no additional adaptation measures, these beaches could suffer a coastal retreat between 7 to 50 meters, which is half of the present day aerial beach surface under climate scenarios considered.

The lack to fight coastal erosion and short term urgency to protect these specific stretches have resulted in a reactive approach. These can include off seawalls and detached breakwaters. The number of beaches and volume of sand make beach

This problem is a huge. The authorities have not done anything about this. Citizens are wanting to make a decision making participation within the government. The government are being accused of not claiming responsibility from ports and dams for the damage caused by sediment retention while carrying their activities out. As a result of the marine and terrestrial ecosystems being damaged, the sea if flooding the beaches, dunes, coastal towns and salt lakes. 



